Grammar The conditional if … (present); if… will A. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses, using the present tense. Add the correct punctuation where necessary. 1. If the chimpanzee shows its teeth, it means (mean) “I’m warning you!” 2. A songbird ________ (sing) if it sees danger. 3. If dogs want to play ______________ (stretch) their front legs in front of them. 4. If a bee finds food it __________ (tell) the others bees. 5. Some whales _________ (jump) out of the water over and over if they want to send a message to other whales. 6. If you see a cat or a bat in the dark its eyes ________ (shine). B. Math the phrases in column A with ones in column B and complete the sentences with will. Remember to add the correct punctuation. EXAMPLE: if I buy a CD, I will have no money left. A BBuy that CD buy / some new clothes Lose my cell phone my parents / be worried Fall off my bike have / no money leftDo my homework get / hurt Sell my i-pod my teacher / be happy (ojo no los uno porque no hay herramientas aqui para eso, pero usted debe unirlos con una flecha, entonces los tache)C. Practice the following conversation Lois: I really want to get a cat Amy: No way! If you bring a cat home, your dog will it! Louis: I don’t think so. If you introduce pets slowly, they get along well. Amy: What do your parents think of the idea? Lois: I think they’ll agree if I ask them very nicely. Amy: You’d better ask the dog, too! Presente Continuo El presente progresivo se utiliza para acontecimientos que están ocurriendo en o en torno a este momento particular en el tiempo, o para indicar que algo es temporal, o para hablar de situaciones que van cambiando, y también para hablar sobre planes en el futuro. La estructura básica del afirmativo del presente continuo: (somebody=alguien; somewhere-algún sitio; something=algo)
The conditional if … (present); if… will
A. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses, using the present tense. Add the correct punctuation where necessary.
1. If the chimpanzee shows its teeth, it means (mean) “I’m warning you!”
2. A songbird ________ (sing) if it sees danger.
3. If dogs want to play ______________ (stretch) their front legs in front of them.
4. If a bee finds food it __________ (tell) the others bees.
5. Some whales _________ (jump) out of the water over and over if they want to send a message to other whales.
6. If you see a cat or a bat in the dark its eyes ________ (shine).
B. Math the phrases in column A with ones in column B and complete the sentences with will. Remember to add the correct punctuation.
EXAMPLE: if I buy a CD, I will have no money left.
Lose my cell phone my parents / be worried
Fall off my bike have / no money left
Do my homework get / hurt
Sell my i-pod my teacher / be happy
(ojo no los uno porque no hay herramientas aqui para eso, pero usted debe unirlos con una flecha, entonces los tache)
C. Practice the following conversation
Lois: I really want to get a cat
Amy: No way! If you bring a cat home, your dog will it!
Louis: I don’t think so. If you introduce pets slowly, they get along well.
Amy: What do your parents think of the idea?
Lois: I think they’ll agree if I ask them very nicely.
Amy: You’d better ask the dog, too!
suj | aux | verbo | |||
I | am | eating | something. | Estoy comiendo algo. | |
You | are | talking | to somebody. | Estas hablando con alguien. | |
He | is | listening | to something. | Está escuchando algo. (él) | |
She | is | reading | something. | Está leyendo algo. (ella) | |
It | is | going | somewhere. | Va a algún sitio. | |
You | are | looking | at something. | Mirais algo. | |
We | are | wearing | something. | Llevamos algo puesto. | |
They | are | sitting | somewhere. | Están sentados en algún sitio. |
Nota: Con el presente continuo se utilizan dos verbos: la forma correspondiente del verbo "to be" como verbo auxilar y la forma básica del verbo (el infinitivo) como verbo principal (más "ing").
Nota: Normalmente, simplemente se añade "ing" al verbo para formar el verbo principal (Llamado "presente participio" por unos y forma "-ing" por otros). En los verbos de una sola sílaba que acaban en una vocal y una consonante, se dobla la consonante: "sit" = "sitting". En los verbos que acaban en una vocal, una consonante y "e", se quita la "e" y se reemplaza con "ing": "write" = "writing", "rate" = "rating", "like" = "liking".
Nota: Normalmente, simplemente se añade "ing" al verbo para formar el verbo principal (Llamado "presente participio" por unos y forma "-ing" por otros). En los verbos de una sola sílaba que acaban en una vocal y una consonante, se dobla la consonante: "sit" = "sitting". En los verbos que acaban en una vocal, una consonante y "e", se quita la "e" y se reemplaza con "ing": "write" = "writing", "rate" = "rating", "like" = "liking".
La estructura básica del negativo del presente continuo:
suj | aux | verbo | |||
I | am | not | eating | something. | No estoy comiendo algo. |
You | are | not | talking | to somebody. | No estas hablando con alguien. |
He | is | not | listening | to something. | No está escuchando algo. (él) |
She | is | not | reading | something. | No está leyendo algo. (ella) |
It | is | not | going | somewhere. | No va a algún sitio. |
You | are | not | looking | at something. | No mirais algo. |
We | are | not | wearing | something. | No llevamos algo puesto. |
They | are | not | sitting | somewhere. | No están sentados en algún sitio. |
Nota: Contracciones: Se suele contraer "It is" con "it's", "it is not" con "it's not" o "it isn't", "you are" con "you're", "we are not" con "we're not" o "we aren't", "that is" con "that's", "that is not" con "that's not" o "that isn't", etc. (Nota: "I am not" solamente se contrae con "I'm not").
La estructura básica del interrogativo del presente continuo: (anywhere = alguna o cualquier parte, anybody = cualquiera, alguien, anything = cualquier cosa, algo)
aux | suj | verbo | |||
Am | I | eating | something? | ¿Estoy comiendo algo? | |
Are | you | talking | to somebody? | ¿Estas hablando con alguien? | |
Is | he | listening | to something? | ¿Está escuchando algo? (él) | |
Is | she | reading | something? | ¿Está leyendo algo? (ella) | |
Is | it | going | somewhere? | ¿Va a algún sitio? | |
Are | you | looking | at something? | ¿Mirais algo? | |
Are | we | wearing | something? | ¿Llevamos algo puesto? | |
Are | they | sitting | somewhere? | ¿Están sentados en algún sitio? |
Nota: La palabra "some" y "any" a veces significan lo mismo. La principal diferencia es que "some" se suele utilizar para afirmativas y "any" para negativas y interrogativas.
Nota: En el presente continuo interrogativo simplemente se intercambia el verbo "to be" con el sujeto para hacer la pregunta.
Nota: En el presente continuo interrogativo simplemente se intercambia el verbo "to be" con el sujeto para hacer la pregunta.
Af. | Neg. | ||||||
Yes, | I am. | No, | I'm not. | ||||
Yes, | you are. | No, | you aren't. (you're not) | ||||
Yes, | he is. | No, | he isn't. (he's not) | ||||
Yes, | she is. | No, | she isn't. (she's not) | ||||
Yes, | it is. | No, | it isn't. (it's not) | ||||
Yes, | we are. | No, | we aren't. (we're not) | ||||
Yes, | you are. | No, | you aren't. (you're not) | ||||
Yes, | they are. | No, | they aren't. (they're not) |
Ejercicios de presente continuo – Present Continuous tense Exercices
Using the Present Continuous tense, fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs shown in brackets. For example:
He _________ hard. (to work)
He is working hard.
He is working hard.
We ____________ anxious. (to feel)
We are feeling anxious.
We are feeling anxious.
1. I _______________ the questions. (to answer)
2. You ________________ boots. (to wear)
3. We ______________ for work. (to look)
4. She ______________ her friend. (to call)
5. He _______________ a house. (to build)
6. They _______________ supper. (to cook)
7. We ______________ a story. (to tell)
8. You ______________ for the bus. (to wait)
9. I _______________ a book. (to read)
10. They _______________ berries. (to pick)
2. You ________________ boots. (to wear)
3. We ______________ for work. (to look)
4. She ______________ her friend. (to call)
5. He _______________ a house. (to build)
6. They _______________ supper. (to cook)
7. We ______________ a story. (to tell)
8. You ______________ for the bus. (to wait)
9. I _______________ a book. (to read)
10. They _______________ berries. (to pick)
Iregular Verbs List
Infinitive | Simple Past | Past Participle | Spanish |
arise | arose | arisen | surgir |
be | was / were | been | ser |
beat | beat | beaten | golpear |
become | became | become | convertirse |
begin | began | begun | comenzar |
bet | bet/betted | bet/betted | apostar |
bite | bit | bitten | morder |
bleed | bled | bled | sangrar |
blow | blew | blown | soplar |
break | broke | broken | romper |
bring | brought | brought | traer |
build | built | built | construir |
buy | bought | bought | comprar |
catch | caught | caught | atrapar |
choose | chose | chosen | elegir |
come | came | come | venir |
cost | cost | cost | costar |
creep | crept | crept | arrastrarse |
cut | cut | cut | cortar |
deal | dealt | dealt | dar, repartir |
do | did | done | hacer |
draw | drew | drawn | dibujar |
dream | dreamt/dreamed | dreamt/dreamed | soñar |
drink | drank | drunk | beber |
drive | drove | driven | conducir |
eat | ate | eaten | comer |
fall | fell | fallen | caer |
feed | fed | fed | alimentar |
feel | felt | felt | sentir |
fight | fought | fought | pelear |
find | found | found | encontrar |
flee | fled | fled | huir |
fly | flew | flown | volar |
forget | forgot | forgotten | olvidar |
forgive | forgave | forgiven | perdonar |
forsake | forsook | forsaken | abandonar |
freeze | froze | frozen | congelar |
get | got | got | tener, obtener |
give | gave | given | dar |
go | went | gone | ir |
grind | ground | ground | moler |
grow | grew | grown | crecer |
hang | hung | hung | colgar |
have | had | had | tener |
hear | heard | heard | oír |
hide | hid | hidden | esconderse |
hit | hit | hit | golpear |
hold | held | held | tener, mantener |
hurt | hurt | hurt | herir, doler |
keep | kept | kept | guardar |
kneel | knelt | knelt | arrodillarse |
know | knew | known | saber |
lead | led | led | encabezar |
learn | learnt/learned | learnt/learned | aprender |
leave | left | left | dejar |
lend | lent | lent | prestar |
let | let | let | dejar |
lie | lay | lain | yacer |
lose | lost | lost | perder |
make | made | made | hacer |
mean | meant | meant | significar |
meet | met | met | conocer, encontrar |
pay | paid | paid | pagar |
put | put | put | poner |
quit | quit/quitted | quit/quitted | abandonar |
read | read | read | leer |
ride | rode | ridden | montar, ir |
ring | rang | rung | llamar por teléfono |
rise | rose | risen | elevar |
run | ran | run | correr |
say | said | said | decir |
see | saw | seen | ver |
sell | sold | sold | vender |
send | sent | sent | enviar |
set | set | set | fijar |
sew | sewed | sewn/sewed | coser |
shake | shook | shaken | sacudir |
shine | shone | shone | brillar |
shoot | shot | shot | disparar |
show | showed | shown/showed | mostrar |
shrink | shrank/shrunk | shrunk | encoger |
shut | shut | shut | cerrar |
sing | sang | sung | cantar |
sink | sank | sunk | hundir |
sit | sat | sat | sentarse |
sleep | slept | slept | dormir |
slide | slid | slid | deslizar |
sow | sowed | sown/sowed | sembrar |
speak | spoke | spoken | hablar |
spell | spelt/spelled | spelt/spelled | deletrear |
spend | spent | spent | gastar |
spill | spilt/spilled | spilt/spilled | derramar |
split | split | split | partir |
spoil | spoilt/spoiled | spoilt/spoiled | estropear |
spread | spread | spread | extenderse |
stand | stood | stood | estar de pie |
steal | stole | stolen | robar |
sting | stung | stung | picar |
stink | stank/stunk | stunk | apestar |
strike | struck | struck | golpear |
swear | swore | sworn | jurar |
sweep | swept | swept | barrer |
swim | swam | swum | nadar |
take | took | taken | tomar |
teach | taught | taught | enseñar |
tear | tore | torn | romper |
tell | told | told | decir |
think | thought | thought | pensar |
throw | threw | thrown | lanzar |
tread | trode | trodden/trod | pisar |
understand | understood | understood | entender |
wake | woke | woken | despertarse |
wear | wore | worn | llevar puesto |
weave | wove | woven | tejer |
weep | wept | wept | llorar |
win | won | won | ganar |
wring | wrung | wrung | retorcer |
write | wrote | written | escribir |
Regular Verbs List
There are thousands of regular verbs in English. This is a list of 600 of the more common regular verbs. Note that there are some spelling variations in American English (for example, "practise" becomes "practice" in American English).